quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014

Codigos de erro do LDAP

Dec value Value Hex value Brief description Detailed description
00LDAP_SUCCESS00SuccessThe request was successful.
01LDAP_OPERATIONS ERROR01Operations errorAn operations error occurred.
02LDAP_PROTOCOL ERROR02Protocol errorA protocol violation was detected.
03LDAP_TIMELIMIT EXCEEDED03Time limit exceededAn LDAP time limit was exceeded.
04LDAP_SIZELIMIT EXCEEDED04Size limit exceededAn LDAP size limit was exceeded.
05LDAP_COMPARE FALSE05Compare falseA compare operation returned false.
06LDAP_COMPARE TRUE06Compare trueA compare operation returned true.
07LDAP STRONG AUTH NOT SUPPORTED07Strong authentication not supportedThe LDAP server does not support strong authentication.
08LDAP STRONG AUTH REQUIRED08Strong authentication requiredStrong authentication is required for the operation.
09LDAP_PARTIAL RESULTS09Partial results and referral receivedPartial results only returned.
10LDAP_REFERRAL0AReferral returnedReferral returned.
11LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT EXCEEDED0BAdministration limit exceededAdministration limit exceeded.
12LDAP UNAVAILABLE CRITICAL EXTENSION0CCritical extension not supportedCritical extension is not supported.
13LDAP CONFIDENTIALITY REQUIRED0DConfidentiality is requiredConfidentiality is required.
14LDAP_SASLBIND_IN PROGRESS0ESASL bind in progressAn SASL bind is in progress.
16LDAP_NO_SUCH ATTRIBUTE10No such attributeThe attribute type specified does not exist in the entry.
17LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE11Undefined attribute typeThe attribute type specified is not valid.
18LDAP INAPPROPRIATE MATCHING12Inappropriate matchingFilter type not supported for the specified attribute.
19LDAP_CONSTRAINT VIOLATION13Constraint violationAn attribute value specified violates some constraint (for example, a postal address has too many lines, or a line that is too long).
20LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE EXISTS14Type or value existsAn attribute type or attribute value specified already exists in the entry.
21LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX15Invalid syntaxAn attribute value that is not valid was specified.
32LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT20No such objectThe specified object does not exist in the directory.
33LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM21Alias problemAn alias in the directory points to a nonexistent entry.
34LDAP_INVALID_DN SYNTAX22Invalid DN syntaxA DN that is syntactically not valid was specified.
35LDAP_IS_LEAF23Object is a leafThe object specified is a leaf.
36LDAP_ALIAS_DEREF PROBLEM24Alias dereferencing problemA problem was encountered when dereferencing an alias.
48LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE AUTH30Inappropriate authenticationInappropriate authentication was specified (for example, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE was specified and the entry does not have a userPassword attribute).
49LDAP_INVALID CREDENTIALS31Invalid credentialsInvalid credentials were presented (for example, the wrong password).
50LDAP_INSUFFICIENT ACCESS32Insufficient accessThe user has insufficient access to perform the operation.
51LDAP_BUSY33DSA is busyThe DSA is busy.
52LDAP_UNAVAILABLE34DSA is unavailableThe DSA is unavailable.
53LDAP UNWILLING TO PERFORM35DSA is unwilling to performThe DSA is unwilling to perform the operation.
54LDAP_LOOP_DETECT36Loop detectedA loop was detected.
64LDAP_NAMING VIOLATION40Naming violationA naming violation occurred.
65LDAP OBJECT CLASS VIOLATION41Object class violationAn object class violation occurred (for example, a "required" attribute was missing from the entry).
66LDAP NOT ALLOWED ON NONLEAF42Operation not allowed on nonleafThe operation is not allowed on a nonleaf object.
67LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED ON RDN43Operation not allowed on RDNThe operation is not allowed on an RDN.
68LDAP_ALREADY EXISTS44Already existsThe entry already exists.
69LDAP NO OBJECT CLASS MODS45Cannot modify object classObject class modifications are not allowed.
70LDAP_RESULTS_TOO LARGE46Results too largeResults too large.
71LDAP AFFECTS MULTIPLE DSAS47Affects multiple DSAsAffects multiple DSAs.
80LDAP_OTHER50Unknown errorAn unknown error occurred.
81LDAP_SERVER_DOWN51Can't contact LDAP serverThe LDAP library cannot contact the LDAP server.
82LDAP_LOCAL ERROR52Local errorSome local error occurred. This is usually a failed memory allocation.
83LDAP_ENCODING ERROR53Encoding errorAn error was encountered encoding parameters to send to the LDAP server.
84LDAP_DECODING ERROR54Decoding errorAn error was encountered decoding a result from the LDAP server.
85LDAP_TIMEOUT55Timed outA time limit was exceeded while waiting for a result.
86LDAP_AUTH UNKNOWN56Unknown authentication methodThe authentication method specified on a bind operation is not known.
87LDAP_FILTER ERROR57Bad search filterAn invalid filter was supplied to ldap_search (for example, unbalanced parentheses).
88LDAP_USER CANCELLED58User cancelled operationThe user cancelled the operation.
89LDAP_PARAM ERROR59Bad parameter to an LDAP routineAn LDAP routine was called with a bad parameter (for example, a NULL ld pointer, etc.).
90LDAP_NO_MEMORY5AOut of memoryA memory allocation (for example malloc) call failed in an LDAP library routine.
91LDAP_CONNECT ERROR5BConnection errorConnection error.
92LDAP_NOT SUPPORTED5CNot supportedNot supported.
93LDAP_CONTROL NOT FOUND5DControl not foundControl not found.
94LDAP_NO_RESULTS RETURNED5ENo results returnedNo results returned.
95LDAP MORE RESULTS TO RETURN5FMore results to returnMore results to return.
96LDAP_URL_ERR NOTLDAP60URL doesn't begin with ldap://The URL does not begin with ldap://.
97LDAP_URL_ERR_NODN61URL has no DN (required)The URL does not have a DN (required).
98LDAP_URL_ERR BADSCOPE62URL scope string is invalidThe URL scope string is not valid.
99LDAP_URL_ERR_MEM63Can't allocate memory spaceCannot allocate memory space.
100LDAP_CLIENT_LOOP64Client loopClient loop.
101LDAP REFERRAL LIMIT EXCEEDED65Referral limit exceededReferral limit exceeded.
112LDAP SSL ALREADY INITIALIZED70ldap_ssl_client_init successfully called previously in this processThe ldap_ssl_client_init was successfully called previously in this process.
113LDAP_SSL_INITIALIZE FAILED71Initialization call failedSSL Initialization call failed.
GSKit must be installed and the GSKit libraries must be present.
114LDAP SSL CLIENT INIT NOT CALLED72Must call ldap_ssl_client_init before attempting to use SSL connectionMust call ldap_ssl_client_init before attempting to use SSL connection.
115LDAP_SSL_PARAM ERROR73Invalid SSL parameter previously specifiedAn SSL parameter that was not valid was previously specified.
116LDAP_SSL_HANDSHAKE FAILED74Failed to connect to SSL serverFailed to connect to SSL server.
117LDAP SSL_GET_CIPHER FAILED75Not usedDeprecated.
118LDAP_SSL_NOT AVAILABLE76SSL library cannot be locatedEnsure that GSKit has been installed.
128LDAP_NO_EXPLICIT OWNER80No explicit owner foundNo explicit owner was found.
129LDAP_NO_LOCK81Could not obtain lockClient library was not able to lock a required resource.
In addition, the following DNS-related error codes are defined in the ldap.h file:
Table 24. DNS-related return codes
Dec valueValueHex valueDetailed description
133LDAP_DNS_NO_SERVERS85No LDAP servers found
134LDAP_DNS_TRUNCATED86Warning: truncated DNS results
136LDAP_DNS_RESOLVE_ERROR88Can't resolve system domain or nameserver
137LDAP_DNS_CONF_FILE_ERROR89DNS Configuration file error
The following UTF8-related error codes are defined in the ldap.h file:
Table 25. UTF8-related return codes
Dec valueValueHex valueDetailed description
160LDAP_XLATE_E2BIGA0Output buffer overflow
161LDAP_XLATE_EINVALA1Input buffer truncated
162LDAP_XLATE_EILSEQA2Unusable input character
163LDAP_XLATE_NO_ENTRYA3No codeset point to map to

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